Things I learned this summer

Like many students I took summer classes, sacrificing the luxury of days in the sun, the possibility of successful weed control and catching up on my to do list. Was it worth it? Yes. I have learned that we never can really predict or plan our experiences even if we think we can. Most of us have known what its like planning time off only to find that during that special reserved time we come down with some horrible virus or visit a place that seemed interesting but is actually kind of boring. The opposite seems to be true as well. The ugliness of daily routine can bring unexpected enjoyment. My classes this summer included Abnormal Psychology, Global Health and The Beatles. Among the interesting thoughts I have had about these subjects are: How the Lennon/McCartney collaborative team was successful in part due to their competition with each other, How horrible (socially cruel) the tuberculosis sanitariums were and that just about everyone seems to suffer from depression and anxiety. Who ever really wins the war on weeds anyway?


Raisa said…
Hello there! I took Beatles over this summer as well. Man, what a load of work, huh? It was exciting to learn about the group though, and makes for a different listening experience (at least for me). I look forward to getting to know you this time around.
Beth's Blog said…
Hi Raisa, I agree, that class was a LOT of work. I have been brainwashed to think only of Beatles songs since then. Blackbird is one of my favorites and reminds me of my goal to become an occupational therapist. Your work sounds interesting and challenging.

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