Halloween Fun
Something really scary happened to me last week, my computer hard drive started to fail. First I had the desktop with no icons, then heard the lawn mower sound coming from the tower. My computer was seven years old, an old timer in terms of technology. The biggest problem is that I was so attached to it. I had stuff on there from way back when. When it came time to copy only the most important files for transfer I became anxious....what if I still need that paper I wrote from five years ago? I am a person who hates clutter but will admit that I have hoarded and saved many useless documents over the years. After coming to terms with my loss, I laid it to rest and adopted a new computer. This new one does more tricks and has more energy (memory) and will not chew up the disks I put into it. I am still teaching it my favorite applications and hope it never megabytes me....sorry!!