Bloggers Block

This week I have been working on some writing assignments and have been plagued by some common writing problems. As an experiential process, I have become painfully aware that I detest writing about what I would consider "extraneous information". I like to cover the important points and leave it at that. I remember LIS 301 asking us to dig around and reveal our experiences in a sort of timeline (autobiography). Well, I am digging again and feel like I am revisiting 301 in 451. The things that come to mind as I dig up old information about old classes are: Haven't I covered this already?, Why do you really want to know how I felt about it? and If I talk about myself and my experiences anymore I am going to be sick. Alright, so now it's off my chest, and any scholar would advise me to see the beautiful process of the learning journey instead of the tedious documentation of it. Ok, so now I'll re frame my thoughts. Extraneous information will become flowery prose, writing about my self is really an essential expression of my individuality and all of this is going to create a unified conclusion to the varied courses I have studied. And then the planets will line up and there will be world peace.


Anonymous said…
Hi Beth! I think you're doing great by merely acknowledge how you feel about the writing process. LIS 301 was somewhat the foundation to get to LIS 451. It is a culmination of what we've learned throughout our 'career' at UIS. It is a wonderful journey and definitely one to be proud of. Sometimes, it's not always easy for us to talk about ourselves in the context of our educational background, our learning abilities (and sometimes disabilities), as well as how we learn new material and how we retain old material. But, it 'is' a process and you will get through it.

I like how you stated that "Extraneous information will become flowery prose, writing about my self is really an essential expression of my individuality and all of this is going to create a unified conclusion to the varied courses I have studied". This is so true to life and a really great way of reframing your mental thoughts to get to the next level. Peace and blessings to you on your journey.

Beth said…
You are a hoot! I had to read that sentence "Extraneous information will become flowery prose, five times before I got it. Is 451 an elective because if I have to write anymore about myself after this class, 301, I will have to make some stuff up. Just kidding.
Hang in there. Laughing with you, not at you.
Just a general thought. One person's extraneous information is another person's vital detail without which nothing makes sense. Always think of your audience and make a reasonable judgement about what they should know. If they don't know it the writer has to tell them, even if it seems tedious or even obvious. To some extent, that's the sort of details that the red ink is asking for (and something most people don't realize until they get to grad school:)
Beth's Blog said…
Hi Andy, I see your point. Things need to be put in a context so the reader gets a better picture. My comments are driven from my experience reading the sample papers. As I read them I find that I am getting a lot of personal information about the student not just stuff about their educational history and goals. I don't think it detracts from the work but it seems a bit too guy writes about his divorce, and struggle for a relationship with his son, another writes about painful job losses and academic failures. I guess those are important elements of educational motivation but it seems so unnecessarily naked.
Anonymous said…
Beth, I think that is part of the rawness induced by writing. Anytime most people put pen to paper (or in an updated technilogical society, finger to keyboard), our creativity begins to flow and many times we are writing from our hearts, not only our minds. Some are more emotional writers and some write from a place of true cognition.

I remember being in LIS 301 and reading other students' biographies and as I recall, many wrote based on their upbringing, which was blatantly hurtful, misguiding, and resentful. This was their past history/herstory. I wasn't going to judge them and many times I thought people got rather personal as well, but it helped me to learn more about the person that 'sat' aside me in class. I saw them in a deeper light and I felt closer to them although we were worlds apart. It helped me to understand their personalities, educational backgrounds, and the very life that shaped them. It makes me wonder what type of affect did my autobiography leave on them. Was it profound? Was it one of disbelief? Was it one of gratitude and fortune? Did I cover all the pertinent parts without getting too personal? I happen to think that when it comes to writing, anything goes; good, bad, or indifferent!
Beth's Blog said…
Hi Pam, You make a good point about how writers "write from the heart" it is always more interesting to read something heartfelt and emotional. In the autobiography that kind of writing was essential to understand their story. I think the most challenging thing about writing is what to leave in/leave out. If I reveal too little its a boring document, too much and now I'm bleeding all over the paper. I'd like to talk to some professional writers to learn how they manage this dilemma.
Anonymous said…
Beth, I think Dan B. is a professional writer (or at least he writes like one). :) You may want to talk to him and get some insight. He's such an awesome writer. We actually were in LIS 301 together.

And you're right, you gotta find just the right mix, not too much and not too little and I agree, that can be challenging. What we were taught in 301 was to allow others maybe 1-2 people to read our writing and welcome their feedback as a means to view our writing in from different angles, which may in fact help us in the long run. They can tell us what we're missing and what we may need to revise or remove. I think you've got a really good discussion going, Beth. This is really interesting and deep stuff.
Anonymous said…
Hey Beth,

Just wanted you to know that I've changed my account name to jsgirl-rayofsunshine from jsgirl-halfthebattle. Please stop by anytime you like. Thanks and God bless!


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