Adage week

This week was a week when I learned that folk wisdom teaches some important lessons. While trying to help out a friend and find reasonable solutions to her problems, I have run into several brick walls of defiance. These are the lessons that I have learned as a result:

1. Neither a borrower nor a lender be (especially don't be a lender)
2. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink (just because you want to solve the problem doesn't mean that the sufferers want it solved)
3. Misery loves company (just go have a drink)
4. Don't worry be happy (oh well)
5. All's well that ends well (but what if it doesn't end well?)


"Don't worry, be happy." - I don't recall if he's a graduate, but Bobby McFerrin attended UIS when it was known as Sangamon State. (Officially, I know this from newspaper stories and not because I looked him up in the student system, which might be a legal issue:)

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