Science Olympics ?

I am sure that many will disagree with me on this observation but I just can't stand it anymore. Part of what I think is wrong with the world is the dysfunction of society's priorities. Since the Olympics began I have heard people talk about "the thrill of victory/the agony of defeat" and how amazing it is that records keep getting broken. I will admit that I too am glued to the TV just to see the expression of glorious acheivement or devastating failure the Olympics bring. But after watching a fabulous athlete lose by an hundreth of a second and be described in the next mornings paper as " not golden" with a picture that shows the offender with a shamed look on their face, I feel great disappointment in our value system. Is athletic virtuosity so important that entire countries gain stature from an Olympic victory? Aren't there more important battles being fought? What about medicine or education? I would rather watch a team of scientists or engineers from different countries compete to cure diseases or improve infrastructure that helps millions avoid suffering. They could give gold medals and media recognition to those who truly represent our best; then we could all cheer and jump around when they cure AIDS.


Raisa said…
Ha! You bring up some interesting observations about our value system. I guess some believe that we breed to compete. In a way, though, I think it’s nice that nations can come together to appreciate the art of sport... or rather battle talent/skill instead of army. Anyway, countries are always competing in science, education, medicine, aeronautics, etcetera; it’s just not broadcasted nationally, unless there’s a breakthrough, and even then sometimes a country must “forfeit” a discovery or cure because people make mistakes all of the time. I totally get what you’re saying, but perhaps this is the sort of entertainable drama that soothes the chaos and deflects our attention to something other than casualty and civilian loses. Maybe the world needs a distraction every few years to come together and enjoy something, even if it’s through judging one another.

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